Teach Them Young

I'm a wife, educator, mama of two, and someone who is uber passionate about helping parents and educators slow down and find the lessons in everyday life.

Hey y'all,
I'm Keri


Slowing down and teaching children practical life skills is what I am here to help you do. Let's set the path for your child to fully bloom!

It doesn't matter where you are at in your journey of educating your young child. Let me help you make the most of life with your child in mind.

with helping children reach their full potential!


So what makes me an expert? I have taught in the United States and Canada for the last decade in both the public and private sectors. I have an undergrad degree in math education and a masters in education specializing in math. Yup, I'm one of those mathies. ;) Not only that, but I’ve worked in traditional settings and well… not so traditional settings with kids spanning from the infant age all the way to first year university. But that’s only part of what sets me apart. In 2020, I became a mom to the sauciest girl around and I've since welcomed a baby boy into the world. I have studied and researched and researched and studied, and through this I've witnessed a gap in parents knowing how to educate their child at home. I don't mean educate them by teaching them the tyyypical stuff like math and science and language arts. Those subjects are great, and should be a part of your child's education. But what I mean when I say "educate your child at home" is finding the lessons in everyday life to teach your child practical life skills. With a Montessori influence and a dose of practicality, I'm here to show you exactly how to do just that.

"All those engaged in education agree that education must begin at birth."
-Maria Montessori
Education begins
in the home

How I Like To Relax


Favorite Hobby


Favorite Season


Go Dawgs!
Sic Em!

Georgia football

Childhood Nickname

Ker Bear

American & Canadian

I'm a dual citizen

6 Random Facts

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the Gram

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